Thursday, April 5, 2012

Tutorial 1: From A Concept...

Hello Fibre Friend, how's it going?  ....Really?   Mmm, I see.  That's interesting. Welp, okay- enough about your life.  This is my blog and you are probably on the Internet  because you want a temporary distraction from your own stuff anyway.  Not to worry though, I still care about you.

Today we have a little bit of a tutorial on the Creative Process.   Here you will find the Kaytorian perspective on how to take the plunge and pull something magical out of your behind when you are in a creative slump or are not necessarily feeling it.

Monday, April 2, 2012


One unimpressed bitch.

You guys, I have been a negligent blog parent, which is something I realized while enjoying this lady's online adventures with all her lovely process shots.  It is my way to avoid showing the unfinished product  (at least as far as bloggery goes) and that isn't very fair to both of my audience one of which might be interested in seeing exactly what it is I do when not procrastinating and watching children's cartoons.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

All Things Odd.

When first making an artist website, I unceremoniously titled it All Things Odd, because A) I couldn't think of anything else to call it and B) I actually do like odd things. A couple years later when it became clear that a Textiles-based entrepreneurship was the way to go, I thought pretty hard about developing a personal brand and came up with Get Off My Lawn. I took down my old website, more or less redid everything and totally changed the look of things, assuming that All Things Odd would never be seen again.